Polarbar Mailer

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Polarbar Jira
This is the home of Polarbar Mailer, a 100% pure Java email application that runs on all platforms supporting Java. This software is free to all users and supports most standard email technologies used today. Proven platforms include FreeBSD, Linux, Windows 7 and above, including Windows 10, plus Mac OS X.

If you're new to Java and need to get it installed on your computer, our Java page has some useful information and web links for most common environments. Documentation on what versions are supported can also be found there.

Our current stable release is version 1.26. You can download it now! Be sure to read the disclaimer regarding this software before downloading and/or using it. We graciously extend an offer to join our user-to-user support forum. Support questions, feature requests and problem reporting are all managed through this support mechanism.

Polarbar Mailer is out of hibernation!

The Polarbar Mailer team has worked fervishly over the last several months to get it out of hibernation mode and back into the wild. You can now download Polarbar Mailer 1.27BETA 3!

If you want access to the next release prior to it being generally available, please see the Polarbar Build Page. The last good build is posted there.

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