Polarbar Screen Shots

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Here are some thumbnail image links to full size screenshots of Polarbar Mailer in action. The blurry stuff has nothing to do with your monitor, it is masking personal information from the images. Click on any thumbnail image to see the full size screenshot, then use your browser's back button to return to this page. A few of the images use the JPG image format, but most use the PNG image format. Also, most of the images that show the Polarbar folder true are using an alternate folder tree icon set.
  • Polarbar has many options for dealing with various aspects of mail retrieval, message viewing, composing, and others. This is the settings panel for setting your default addressing approach, which is used when Polarbar sends mail and can be changed per message, without having to bring up the settings dialog:

    Addressing approach settings


  • This is the settings panel for various default compose settings, some of which can be changed per message:

    Compose settings


  • This is the settings panel for custom programs that can be run at various stages of mail composing, sending, and/or retrieval. This settings panel supports multiple platforms seamlessly, which is handy when using the same Polarbar setup on a multi-boot system.

    Custom program settings


  • This is the settings panel for settings that pertain to viewing messages in your Polarbar folders:

    Message settings


  • This is the settings panel pertaining to printing out messages. The optional Un*x settings are only available on Un*x-like systems:

    Printing settings


  • This is the settings panel for global message retrieval settings:

    Message retrieval settings


  • This is the spelling checker settings panel, showing the first page of settings for the Wintertree Sentry spell checker, which is new to Polarbar 1.24:

    Sentry spell checker settings, page 1


  • This is the second spelling checker settings panel for the Wintertree Sentry spell checker:

    Sentry spell checker settings, page 2


  • This is the third spelling checker settings panel for the Wintertree Sentry spell checker:

    Sentry spell checker settings, page 3


  • This is the web browser settings panel. It lets you choose between the internal ICE browser, the HotJava browser (for Java 1.1 only), or up to three external web browsers. This settings panel supports multiple platforms seamlessly, which is handy when using the same Polarbar setup on a multi-boot system.

    Web browser settings


  • This is the settings panel that lets you choose if Polarbar should automatically trim the transaction log and/or trash folder at exit (or when you pick the Folder / Maintain trash folder menu item), whether or not deleted messages are copied into the trash folder (instead of being discarded), and how many lines to keep in memory for the online Java console log (accessible under Tools / Logs / Java console log).

    Miscellaneous cleanup options


  • This settings panel lets you control how many (if any) Java console log files should be kept, how they should be maintained, and if debug, info, and/or notice log messages should be included in the log files (warning and error message are always included). You can also enable queued log file writing:

    DEBUG.OUT Log file options


  • This is the PGP settings panel:

    PGP Settings


  • This is the main platform settings panel. Platform settings are used to account for differences in Java behaviour on various platforms, in order to keep Polarbar's behaviour as consistent as possible between platforms:

    Platform settings


  • This what an individual platform settings panel looks like:

    Platform settings details


  • This is the time zone settings panel that is only used in case you are in a time zone that is not directly supported by Java:

    Non-standard time zone settings


  • This settings panel allows you to add Polarbar to the list of Windows email clients, which is stored in the Windows Registry, and also allows you to make Polarbar the default email client, for handling things like mailto links in web pages:

    Windows registry integration


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